Treatments and examinations

Examination Process

The goal with our exam is to gain an understanding of how well your spine and nerve system are working. Finding the CAUSE of your health problems is the place to start, then we can develop a PATIENT-SPECIFIC care plan to address your individual needs.

health history - consultation

this is how We get to know you and what you have been through so we can serve you better. we also want to know what your health goals are so we can help you reach them so you can start living the life you want to live.

Nerve system analysis

computerized thermography scan, computerized semg (muscle tonality) scan, heart rate variability test

physical examination

posture assessment, range of motion testing, bilateral weight analysis, spinal palpation assessment

Treatments and other services

Cervical spine (neck) adjustments

This area of the spine can hold a lot of stress and problems here can cause headaches, anxiety, sinus problems, sleeping disturbances, and neck pain.

thoracic spine (mid-back) adjustments

Poor posture and excessive sitting can cause the mid-back region of the spine to hold a lot of tension. Issues in the thoracic spine can result in health problems such as difficulty breathing, heart dysfunction, shoulder tension and injuries, fatigue, and digestive issues.

Lumbar spine (low back) and pelvic adjustments

The low back can be an area where people commonly have pain. Along with pain, dysfunction in this part of the spine can affect bladder and bowel function, leg strength, mobility, and reproductive organ health.

child adjustments

Kids have a spine just like adults do. They also have stresses similar to adults which can result in neurospinal problems and health problems. Kids often respond quickly to adjustments and most of the time they love getting treated!

Pregnancy care

Treatment during pregnancy is 100% safe. Using specific pregnancy pillows the adjustment is very gentle but extremely effective. Chiropractic helps by relieving discomfort, balancing body tone, and preparing the body for labor and delivery. We want your baby to have the best chance at being healthy from the start.

lymphatic massage and sinus treatment

When patients are sick they are encouraged to come in to the office to get treated! Gentle sinus massage, ear adjustments, and lymphatic drainage techniques are utilized to help them heal quicker and feel better sooner.

Lifestyle training

Nutrition counseling, stress-relieving techniques, and physical activity are things that are commonly discussed with our patients so they can get the best possible results at our office. Our doctor encourages our patients to make simple, healthy changes which make a big impact in the future.

Posture correction

Sitting, looking down at phones and tablets, working from home, computer time, and inactivity are contributors to poor posture. Posture is the “window to the spine” and is one determining factor of our future health. Restoring proper posture with specific exercises and posture correction tools are vital for the longevity of the spine.

Extremity adjustments

Knees, feet, ankles, hips, elbows, wrists, and shoulders are routinely subluxated (misaligned) and respond favorably to gentle adjustments.

Exercise instruciton

Our doctor determines what “at home” exercises should be given to each patient. Many times these exercises help the patient improve core strength, increase spinal mobility, and even decrease stress.

Soft tissue therapy

Stress and injuries can cause our muscles and connective tissue to develop trigger points, tension, and sometimes scar tissue. There are a variety of techniques that our doctor uses to address the specific soft tissue needs of each individual patient.

“Look well to the spine for the cause of disease”

Hippocrates - the “Father of Western Medicine”

“the doctor of the future will give no medicaiton but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease”

Thomas Edison

“the power that made the body heals the body”

Dr. B.J. Palmer - the “Developer of Chiropractic”